Did you ever think you'd get an updated on the Maplewood Colonial? I didn't either! We've been trying desperately to enjoy some summer fun in between busy work projects and hectic personal schedule. I heard a commercial calculating the number of summer days in hours and minutes, which gives me crazy anxiety because we're already edging toward the end of July!
Post paint job and floor refinishing but pre-move in. I still can't get over these floors!
All the heart-eye emojis. That is all.
Things are moving at a bit of a snails pace over here at the Maplewood Colonial, but between a hosted dinner scheduled for mid-August and a photoshoot the week after, I'm hitting this into a high gear. Remember when it looked like this? You guys are going to die when you see how it looks now! Here are the rooms I'm aiming to finish (or finish enough...) in time to be photographed:
Living Room
Dining Room
Staircase and Front Hallway
Master Bedroom
Guest Bedroom
Upstairs Hallway
Most of these rooms are already 75% of the way there, so I just need to make a push to get them just a little bit further. A few final pieces coupled with some styling and finishing touches, we should be good to go! I'm working on some posts about some of the bigger pieces I'm looking for and things I'm stuck on. That means we STILL don't have a dining room table.
Lots of big pieces not done yet, but these bookcases are on point at least!
There are some longer term projects that we'll tackle down the road. Realistically, this is probably at least two years down the road. Perhaps further if we decide to do some other investment projects before we get to this. But here's a high-level list of what we have planned:
Kitchen renovation, including taking down some walls in the dining room and putting in some bigger windows.
Master suite addition over the kitchen and garage (we're planning to literally rip off the existing kitchen and garage, and then rebuild them with the addition. The whole thing needs better footings and supports because one wall settled, etc.)
Move laundry up to the second floor (basement laundry is just a killer)
Front steps/entry needs to be re-supported because it's starting to crack and pull away from the house. Once that's done, I'll re-do the floor in the foyer (so excited about this!)
New powder room flooring (and maybe some other details here)
New tile for the fireplace hearth and possibly the surround.
Once we get a little closer to this, I'll share more details on these plans. Truth be told, I haven't even begun to think about this phase yet. I try not to get too far ahead of myself right now because it's still a long way off! Later this week, we're tackling our dining room, which has possibly been the biggest challenge so far. Stay tuned and help us find a dining room table once and for all.